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Seafarer Financial Program

Seafarer Financial Program

Customised Products Seafarer Financial Program

Seafarers need a guide for financial protection.

There is no organization in the world that would be a better partner for seafarer's financial security than you, a union for seafarers. No insurer comes close. No bank. No financial middle man. Nobody, but you. Because it is simply your goal to help the seafarer benefit. You can connect with seafarers. You can unite them and therefore you can protect them.

Protection by uniting

Only in a united group, we can mutually develop financial protection for seafarers. Let us help you to develop solutions that will create financial stability for your members, and their families.

The Union as the guide for the seafarer’s financial protection

We all know why it is hard to find financial stability for a seafarer. But your union can help overcome this. You are already united, we can bring you the financial knowledge and support. Let’s work together to provide seafarers with some necessary financial protection

Seafarer Financial Program:

3 easy steps to financial protection

Gloden Era Insurance Benefits is specialized in helping Seafarer’s Unions. Independently, so that the seafarer will benefit. We provide simple steps to help develop the solutions that meet the needs of you members.

We do the work, you get the credits.

  • We will create the best disability and life insurance for seafarers in the world, giving you exclusive rights to offer this to your members.
  • Our high-tech backoffice and support department will give you peace of mind, because we handle all the work while you get the credits.
  • Gloden Era Insurance has more than 20 years of international experience in the maritime industry and understands your business and the world of seafarers.
  • And we have more than 20 years experience in finding, negotiating and realizing industry specific insurances giving you the best deal out there.
  • All communication to the seafarer will include your brand, because it's your organization that makes this happen. Thus, you build a long term relationship with seafarers.

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