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Seafarer Financial Program

Complaints Management Policy

Policies Complaints Management Policy


Gloden Era Insurance. is committed to providing superior financial services such that the delivery is of integral benefit to all stakeholders. Professionalism, integrity, empathy and customer satisfaction are our core values and more importantly our clients.

We focused on providing qualitative services to all our shareholders while acknowledging the facts that on occasions clients may be dissatisfied with the company on any matters relating to the services they receive from us. We recognize the right of any individual or entity covered by this policy to raise an issue or make a complaint and we are committed at all level of the organization to their efficient, impartial and courteous resolution.

Download The Complaints Management Policy - PDF


The Complaints Management Policy shall addresse complaints arising out of issues that are covered under the Investment and securities Act, 2007 (ISA), the Rules and Regulations made pursuant to the ISA, the rules and regulations of Securities Exchanges and guidelines of recognized trade associations. The SEC, Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs), recognized Capital Market trade groups and Capital Market operators (CMOs) and listed public companies.

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To read the full policy, please click on the Download PDF button on the page to download the full policy document to your device.

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