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Products Engineering

Contractors All Risk Policy

This policy is designed to cover the operations of civil engineering firms, Indemnity is provided for accident loss or damage to the contract works being executed.

Constructional plants and equipment taken to the site of operation is also covered against loss or damage while the legal liability of the contractor to Third Parties for death, bodily injury and property damage is also covered up to a certain limit.

To enable us quote for this risk, we require the following:

  • Description of the contract works
  • Value of the contract
  • Value of constructional plants & Equipment
  • Limit of third party liability
  • Value of existing property (where applicable)

Machinery BreakDown Policy

This policy is designed to cover any damage to a plant or equipment while working or at rest, or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, repairing or overhauling.

To enable us quote for this risk, we require the following information:

  • Make & Type of Equipment
  • Year of Manufacture
  • Current Replacement Value

Computer/Electronic Equipment Policy

This policy is designed to cover any loss or damage that could result while any computer and /or equipment insured is working or at rest.

The cover under this policy also extends to include loss or damage to External Data Media such as disks and tapes.
The increase in cost of working, as a result of damage to the main computer and alternative means of carrying on operation. With payment of an additional premium, this policy can be extended to cover the risk of theft.

To enable us quote for this risk, we require the following information:

  • Make & Type of Electronic Equipment
  • Current Replacement Value of the item(s)
  • Cost of hiring alternative computer equipment for continuation of Operation together with personnel and transportation cost.

Plant all Risk Policy

This policy is designed to cover loss of or damage to the insured`s plants whilst working, at rest or in transit. Theft of the plant is also covered.

To quote for this risk, the following information are needed:

  • Make and type of the plants
  • Serial Numbers
  • Year of manufacture
  • Current replacement value

Erection all Risk

This policy provides cover for loss of or damage to the contract works during erection and subsequent testing/trial runs till it is fully commissioned at the insured`s premises.

It can also be extended to cover the constructional plants and equipments; as well as Third Party Liability.

To quote for this risk, the following information are needed:

  • Description of the Contract works
  • Value of the contract
  • Value of Constructional plants and equipments
  • Limit of Third Party Liability

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