For proper and adequate reinsurance arrangement on Clients risk financing objectives and security, Gloden Era Insurance have entered into many reinsurance programmes with our reinsurers namely:
- Surplus treaty cover for our Fire/Allied perils, Marine cargo, Marine Hull and Engineering
- Excess of Loss Treaty for our Motor & Miscellaneous Accident
- Working Excess of Loss cover for our Fire & Allied Perils Insurance
- Quota Share for Bond
- Outward Facultative Reinsurance support from WAICA Reinsurance Pool
- Non-bulking line slip for our Oil & Energy Risk
Though, there are limited reinsurers, but we have carefully selected ours base on their;
- Company’s capital base
- Immediate ability to response to cash call
- Proper servicing of accounts, and
- Broker’s acceptance of the Reinsurer
Therefore our treaty is being lead by The Reinsurance Corporation, and supported by Continental Reinsurance Plc, United Kingdom Reinsurance Corporation, WAED Reinsurance Pool and Aveni Reinsurance Company Limited.