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Seafarer Financial Program

Group/Personal Accident

Products General Accident Group/Personal Accident


This personal accident policy is truly personal and it essentially aims to protect the insured from of bodily injury death, permanent disability, temporary total disablement or medical expenses, following an accident causing bodily injury solely by violent accidental and visible means.

It is always sought by a single individual. The group personal accident is generalist or within the group and may be issued to multiple persons; members of a social club, members of the same family or employees in a common employment.

What Does It Cover?

This insurance covers several areas such as the following:

Medical Expenses

  • It cover however excludes dangers like larceny and is limited to house breaking and burglary and when Property insured is lost from the insured premises alone.

Permanent Disability

  • This cover may lead to the payment of a percentage or a specified sum or multiple of wages and will apply provided that the application is within twelve months from the date of accident.

Temporary Total Disablement

  • This benefit may entail the payment of an agreed weekly amount or a percentage of the weekly wages for a maximum period of 104 weeks.

Temporary Partial Disablement

  • This is a variation of the above policy and it is usually a percentage of TTD (Temporary Total Disablement) payable per week Such an application is usually reared to the Head Office for consideration since underwriters hardly offer this policy.


  • In the tragic event of death the benefit payable may be a specified capital sum or multiples of wages provided that the death occurs within twelve months from the date of accident.

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